Monday, February 19, 2018


SCRIPTURES: Psalm 91, Psalm 23, Psalm 121, Isaiah 54:5-15.
CONFESSIONS: Isaiah 4:6, Isaiah 32:1,2.
SONGS       1. You are God from beginning to the end
                           There is no room for argument 
                           You are God all by yourself
                      2.  Covenant keeping God, there is no one like you.
3. There is none holy as our God.

4. Lord you are my fortress
You are my hiding place
Lord you are my fortress
And I will hide in your resting place

O Lord!

You are my fortress
You are my hiding place
Lord you are my fortress
And I will hide in your hiding place

HYMNS:  1.  A mighty fortress is our God.
                    2.  Rock of Ages cleft for me.                               

1.   Every garment of disaster fashioned against me, catch fire and burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus.
2.  Every gift of death, I return your back to your owner, in the name of Jesus.
3.   Affliction shall not know my address in the mighty name of Jesus.
4. Lord Jesus, take your sponge and your soap and wash me clean, in the name of Jesus.
5. By the power in the blood of Jesus, I cancel the manifestation of any evil dream in my life, in the name of Jesus.

A hiding place is:

1.    A fortress or a stronghold.
2.    A refuge or a secured place.
3.    A rock.  Isaiah 51:1.
4.    A place of succor. Isaiah 51:3.
5.    A place of comfort. Especially when your life seems to be falling apart.  Isaiah 51:12.
6.    A place of Safety. Psalm 127:1, Psalm 3:5.
7.    A place of rest.
8.    A place of help.
9.    Your security umbrella.
10. Your covert in the time of trouble.
11. You covering from the storm.
12. Your covering that prevents your enemy from seeing or locating you no matter how much the look. In fact, the more they look, the less they will see in the name of Jesus.

1.   I put myself, my family, and my possessions inslde the blood of Jesus, for protection.  
2.  Every negative dream about my life be reversed by the blood of Jesus. , be wiped off by the blood of Jesus.
3.   Evil garments hindering my life, I tear you off and set you on fire.
5. Every evil plan for my life, backfire by fire, in the name of Jesus.


A hiding place hides you from:

1.    Wasters. Isaiah 54:16.
They waste lives, destinies, and property.
2.    Strongmen including the terrible and the mighty enemies. Isaiah 49:25. Luke 11:21-22.
3.     Marine powers. Isaiah 50:2.
4.     The heat and from the sun. Isaiah 49:10.
5.    The lawful captors. Isaiah 49:26.
6.    Oppressors such as satanic intermediaries hired to curse people and bewitch through enchantments. Numbers 23:23.
7.    Afflictions. Isaiah 54:11.
8.    The wicked
9.    Fear. Isaiah 54:11.
10. Spiritual thieves.
11. From poverty
12. Sickness and diseases.
13. Evil tongues including false accusations and satanic broadcasting of your goodness.
14. Fiery darts also known as arrows.
15. Witches and Wizards
16. Foundational problems such as curses, evil covenants, and evil names. 1 Chronicles 4:10.
17. Storms of life. Isaiah 25:4,  
18. Tragedy, disaster, accidents and untimely death.
19. Troubles


God is your hiding place.  As your hiding place God is your:

1.    Stronghold in the day of trouble.
2.    Covert from the storms of life.
3.    Strength in the day of weakness.  Isaiah 25:4.
4.    A shadow from the heat. Heat here simply means affliction. Isaiah 25:4.
5.    A place of comfort. Especially when your life seems to be falling apart.  Isaiah 51:12.
6.    Your shield. Psalm 3:3.
7.    He is your rereward. God does not just have your front covered but your front too.
8.    Banner, Jehovah Nissi. Exodus 17:15.
 He goes before you in any battle to preserve your life and ensure that you win the battle.
9.    Pillar of fire by night and Pillar of cloud by day. Exodus 13:21.
10. Redeemer.
11. Savior. Provides various wells of salvation for you to partake of. Isaiah 12:3.
12. Covenant keeping God.
13. Your helper. Hebrew 13:6.
14. Your maker that knows how you are wired and how to best help you.
15. Comforter. John 14:26.
16. Envelope and covering so you can hide in Christ as Christ is hidden in God.
He is your covering that prevents your enemy from seeing or locating you no matter how much the look. In fact, the more they look, the less they will see in the name of Jesus.
    Song: Holy Ghost destroy destroyer, attack attacker, oppress oppressor.
1.    I put myself inside the blood of Jesus for cleansing, purging, healing, deliverance and for a new beginning.
2.    I envelope myself, my family and my possession in the blood of Jesus.


When you hide in God:

1.   He has promised to fight for you while you hold your peace. Exodus 14:13,14).
2.    He has promised not to leave you or forsake you. Hebrews 13:5.
3.    He covers you continually. Psalm 139:13.
4.   He has promised to help you. Isaiah 41:13-16.
5.   He strengthens you when the enemy comes against you. Isaiah 41:10.
6.   He has promised never to forget you. Isaiah 49:15.
7.   He holds you continually in the palm of His hands. Isaiah 49:16.
8.    Your walls that protect you are continually before Him. Isaiah 49:16.
9.   He raises a standard against enemy when he floods (afflicts) your life with problems. Isaiah 59:19.
10.       You shall not be put to shame if you hide in Him and wait on Him.  Isaiah 49:23.
11.       No weapon that is that is fashioned against you prospers. Isaiah 54:17.
12.       Anyone that gangs up against you shall scatter. Deuteronomy 28:25.
13.       Whatever ever the Lord says about you comes to pass so He can overrule every evil edict and verdict that is against you. Isaiah 55:11.
14.       No power is allowed to touch you or to harm you. Psalm 105:15.
15.       If anything goes wrong, He can make it write because He is your maker. Psalm 139:1-13.

1.   Sin. Isaiah 59:1-2.
2.   Wickedness. Isaiah 55:7.
3.   Not studying or hiding the word of God in you.
Learn the word of God and appropriate it for every situation that confronts you. The devil and his cohorts will have no choice but to back off.
4.   Not telling the Lord your problems.
You have to take all your problems to God in prayers.
5.   Ignorance Hosea 4:6.
One form of ignorance is not knowing who you are in Christ. Another is not knowing your rights as a child of God. That is ignorance of your inheritance in Christ.

Prayer: Anything in my life that would remove my shield of protection, be destroyed, in the name of Jesus.

Songs: 1. Have mercy on me O Lord.  2. Every disaster fashioned against me and my family backfire.  3. Turn me to fire O Lord. 
4. Barricade my life, blood of Jesus, barricade my life.

1. Ask God to forgive you of every sin. You can use psalm 51 and 32 to pray for this.
2. (Read Psalm 91 out loud and pray it over your life). My Father and my God, hide me under the shadow of your wings, in the name of Jesus.
3. Every satanic pregnancy in my life, I puncture you. Be aborted, in the name of Jesus.
4. Arrows fired into my life by day and by night backfire, in the name of Jesus.
5. I return every evil package back to their owner in the name of Jesus.
6.   I rise above every yoke of the oppressor, in the name of Jesus.
7. You the agenda of killing, stealing, and destruction for my life, fail and die.
8. O Lord, hold back the hand of the enemy that they cannot perform their evil enterprise in my life, in the name of Jesus.
9. Every evil plan and conspiracy of the enemy against my life, scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus.
10. I take divine insurance against every disaster, tragedy, and accident fashioned against my life, in the name of Jesus.
11. Every evil garment prepared for me, catch fire, in the mighty name of Jesus.
12. Every evil expectation of the enemy for my life, be frustrated by the blood of Jesus.
13. Every evil surveillance over my life, scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus.
14. Witchcraft manipulations against my life, your time is up, die, in the name of Jesus.
15. I cancel the manifestation of any evil dream in my life, by the power in the blood of Jesus.
16. O Lord, by all the power by which you are known as the Almighty, change my story, in the name of Jesus.  
17. Angels of the living God, encamp around me, in the name of Jesus.
18. Divine wall of fire, encocoon my life in the name of Jesus.
19. Divine shadow of God envelope my life, in the name of Jesus.
20. Blood of Jesus, barricade my life, in the name of Jesus.

21. Thank you Father for answering my prayers. Sing the song, For I have touched the helm of his garment and his power has made me whole.”

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